I've never believed in God, but I believe in Picasso

I've never believed in God, but I believe in Picasso
- Euan Uglow

Sunday 6 May 2012





Here are the portraits that I managed to get done in the exam (12 hours).  Hopefully they will look quite striking as a set of six (adding the 2 underneath this post).  The photos I've taken of them aren't great, but I'm quite pleased with the way they resemble the photos and how the colours work together.  I finished with an hour 1/2 left, so my art teacher persuaded me to do a larger group photo (one of the ones where they're all throwing paint at each other and it looks like clouds) but in muted colours,, like dark purples and blues.  Because I had very little time left the style of it is much looser and more impressionistic than these.
Anyway, art is now finished! Only one more week left at school, ever :(

1 comment:

  1. These are brilliant Holly, well done! Still sad I didn't get to work with you at A level - do come to the A level shows at Campden to see what the others have been up to. See you at the H1 party! Love Niki Crew X
